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Fluffy Loaf Part Two

Today, we are going to use the starter we put together last night to make this fluffy loaf, and then eat it!

My starter from yesterday looks like this:

Measure 25g amaranth flour:

Followed by 25g semolina flour:

Then 150g white whole wheat flour:

Followed by 200g bread flour:

Measure 225g water at room temperature:

And 10g of sea salt:

Put the water, flours, and starter together:

And mix until a very sticky dough forms:

Cover the container and let it rise for six hours:

First set of folds. With wet hands, first fold left:

Then right:

Then far:

Then near:

Cover the container and let it sit for an hour:

Second fold left:

Second fold right:

Second fold far:

Second fold near:

Cover the container again, and let it sit somewhere warm for an hour:

Last set of folds. Third fold left:

Third fold right:

Third fold far:

Third fold near:

Sprinkle some flour on a parchment paper then gently flip the dough onto it and sprinkle some salt and oregano on top:

Preheat the oven to 475 degrees with a baking steel:

After an hour:

Bake it covered for 15 minutes, reduce the heat to 425 and continue to bake for 45 minutes:

Cool on a rack for two hours prior to slicing and enjoying!



No knead: Make the yeast do the work for you.​



Crumbs: While baking, cover the dough to obtain a crust.



Reliable: Always measure your ingredients.

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